Saturday, November 12, 2011

Kak long turun dapur 8


Alhamdulillah dapat gak post entry br..masaknye da lme tp nk post nye asyik kna postpone je..
Erm..alhamdulillah edisi raya aidil adha hr 2 ada wt cotton cheesecake..seronok gler wt..sanggup la smpai tdo kul 3 pg..Start pn lmbt..tekun je buat sorang2..dari start measure bhn smpai la da len sumer da tdoq..huhuhu..Papepon seronok sbb blh bg org lain mkn,satu kepuasan!

That's real ok..not fake..mmg ni sy yg wt..terlebih rajin plak mengedit bgai gmbo ni..
Alhamdulillah syukur kek ni mnjadi..rmai yg ske..depends on people, there's certain people that not really like cheesecake..

*for someone that already see my blog, i'm personally wish thnx 2 u..i didnt expect that u already found my blog..really..and sincerely in my heart..i appreciate it..thnx sgt! terharu tau awk bgtau sy awk jmpe n bc blog sy..thnxxXxXxX